Monday, October 22, 2007

I'm going a bit stir crazy these days. I think it is knowing that we're going home soon, but having long days of nothing to do is making me crazy... a couple of the families have taken trips over the weekend, etc, but the idea of packing up my kid, changing places on him again, and expecting him to be OK with it just seems unfair. (yes, Maria, this is why we won't be going to Cabo... )

Today we got up early, but got started late... mothers will understand. We had breakfast near the hotel and then came back up to the apartment. Later in the day we went into town for some provisions, a drink before dinner (the folks in Little Hanoi know us well) and then we came back for dinner here at the hotel.

The good news is that "Jaspas' in the hotel is a very familiar restaurant for Josie and I. It got its start in Sai Kung in Hong Kong (where Josie had her junk). The menu hasn't changed in 10 years, thank God.

Best part of the day... When walking back from breakfast through the shopping mall attached to our hotel we passed the Toila shop - the local soviet shop, complete with russian dolls, etc. Josie pointed out the different sleeping areas for each of the employees... you could see the legs of one stretched out on the floor in the back on one side, one sound asleep at the cash register, and one sound asleep against a stack of fluffy russian parkas on the side. If we can get a picture of this, we will...

Love all,



Anonymous said...

Hi Mel, Josie and of course Hai, You must be getting excited about going home.Hai sounds like the perfect baby.I am looking forward to seeing his next pic. Look after yourselves love Kath

Anonymous said...

I have loved this blog--pictures and Melissa's words--helping me to feel closer to this amazing experience. I am so very eager to see Hai and be with Melissa again. I am extremely grateful to Josie, Jaap and Maria for all their
"hands on" support and to all of Melissa's fine friends for "long distance" encouragement. It is all so wonderful and exciting. I am so very, very proud of Melissa.
Love, "Ba-Ba"