Monday, December 10, 2007

Parents, closets and more...

Hi everyone,

I know I haven't written in a while, we were busy with Grandma and Grandpa. What a great time Hai had with them - it took me a couple of days to get him to realize that I couldn't be nearly as entertaining on my own as they were! Seriously, who knew how my relationship with my parents would change with a kid - all the focus is on Hai and on helping me - I was really sad to see them leave. I see why folks move closer to their parents now... but I'm not headed to New Mexico yet, I think maybe I have to go back to work here first.

Speaking of work... I'm down to less than one month of leave left. I'm excited to go back to work, but I know I'm going to miss having all day with my boy. Now I also understand all these part-timers I've got on my staff, too. Kate, you are a trooper for going full time to cover for me!! :-)

Today I'm having my hall closet (mainly a "junk closet") turned into a pantry. the current pantry in my kitchen is about the size of a Chinese linen closet - IE 1 foot by 1 foot by 5 feet and definitely not enough room for Hai and me. I think I'll probably end up redesigning all the closets in my condo before I'm through. Who knew such a little person would need so much stuff? Whomever buys this condo next better have a kid - it will have enough storage and baby proofing for a day care center!

One thing we did while we were with Grandma and Grandpa was we went to Sears and did the cheesy portraits - I'll post one so you all can see.

Oh, and we solved the car seat dilemma - as long as I'm in the backseat at night, Hai is OK. I'm interviewing chauffeurs this week if any of you are interested in moonlighting...

Love to all -

Melissa & Hai

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