Well, we survived Hai's first Christmas with minimal consumerism and only one or two ornament casualties. I took the tree down this morning just to be safe.
I'm not sure Hai got the whole Christmas thing, but he has seemed to notice that several of his toys have been replaced with new toys. He's ok with some of that, but we had to bring back a few favorites.
On Christmas Eve Hai went to his first 5 course dinner at his Tia Maria's house. We made it through the whole dinner with him in the high chair thanks to a lot of Cheerios. Cheerios happen to be one of Hai's favorite foods now. In fact, some days that's all he wants to eat. He really wants the table food, but he doesn't quite have enough teeth to eat it yet (he's really only got 3).
On Christmas day Santa left a several presents for Hai. Some that I had kept from his showers and brought out for Xmas (picture above). So far I think he likes the books that sing the best, but mostly because he knows how to make them work!
We had a very mellow Christmas Day, he played in the park with Christina for a while and them came home and had a big nap. We had Christmas dinner together at home and played with his toys. He got lots of bath toys from Santa and Mommy for Christmas, so he had 2 baths on Christmas day - I think that was probably the highlight for him.
For me this Christmas was wonderful because I got the best present of all, my son Hai. It's incredible what a wonderful gift I feel he is to me. I'm a lucky mom this year!
I hope Santa brought all of you everything you want for the holidays and happy new year!!
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