Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Help me make it through the night...

Lately we've been trying to get through the night without a bottle (Hai, not me, I still need one every once in awhile). So far, he can make it from about 11pm to 7 or sometimes even 8am without a bottle, but he's definitely not sleeping that full time.

when he wakes up, he wants to go back to sleep laying ON me. It was cute the first couple of nights, now it's just getting uncomfortable... But I'm learning to sleep with an 11 month old on me. I can't really toss and turn much... :-)

My goal was to get through the night without the bottle before we started heading into the crib full time (he usually starts out there and ends up with me) - that's the next milestone to get through! All this and 3 weeks before I go back to work. Yikes.

We have a very small Christmas tree (4.5 ft) in the condo. We needed the Charlie Brown Christmas tree because there's too many toys around here to fit much else. Hai's mostly getting clothes and books for Christmas because he's got far too many toys already. Put it this way - Grandma and Grandpa decided to send him a toy BOX after they were here!

Hai's somewhat fascinated by the tree, but he's still more interested in walking than anything else. right now he's cruising around the bed - it won't be long before that first drunken sailor step.

He's still an eating machine, yogurt being his latest favorite. I'm going to start mixing yogurt with everything... they eat yogurt with beef in the middle east right? :-)

Well, hope you all are getting prepared for the holidays and if you are in the Bay Area, staying dry!

Love all,


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