Thursday, April 24, 2008

Another tooth!

Finally, we've got another tooth coming in (Hai's been stuck with 4 teeth for months now). Last night I saw another one coming in on the lower left side, and I suspect there is a matching one on the right not far behind. That probably explains why he's had some trouble sleeping and napping the past few days!

I haven't posted for a while because Grandma was here last week and we were very busy. I had some long meetings for work and Hai and Grandma got a lot of time to visit together. He's really walking now and starting to say lots of words like "bye bye" and "duck" and "hai" and "mom" and "done". "Done" is his favorite right now because he thinks that's always how he'll get out of the high chair. He tried it on mom and I on Sunday morning before we'd even ordered our lunch at the restaurant... it didn't work quite as well that time, but he did discover he really likes melon - cantalope and water melon (good for him as both my mom and I don't really like it). Last night he ate a whole piece of meatloaf and some of my steak... we still haven't really found a food Hai doesn't like.

It's a good thing he's getting those teeth!!


René said...

Yea more teeth! Yea Hai eating the melon -- and meat! I pray your cool baby stays so cool. Love to you both! Zi Nay

René said...

Yea for another tooth! Yea for Hai eating melon! (I don't always want mine either.) And a big "Yea" for Hai eating meat!!
Much love,
Zi Nay

René said...

Yea more teeth! Yea Hai eating the melon -- and meat! I pray your cool baby stays so cool. Love to you both! Zi Nay

René said...

Sorry about the spastic posts. Operator error, fer sure.