Thursday, March 13, 2008

The Tao of Poo...

OK, if you are eating, or thinking about eating, read this later, but it's too funny not to blog about...

the last couple of nights with Hai have been interesting to say the least. If you're keeping up, you know I have a cold thanks to the little germ monster. thus, i've been going to sleep around the same time he does the past couple of nights - between 8 and 9pm. Well, for the past two nights he's been awake between 2am and 4am... last night for 2 hours. At first I didn't get it, but now I see the pattern.

the past 2 nights he's woken up, not unhappy, but clearly not able to sleep. He wants to be held, and he'll take a bottle with milk if I get it for him, but he's not really hungry, just seems to be awake and not able to go back to sleep. At first I thought, "it's because he doesn't have a good nap schedule". Which is true... sometimes he skips the morning nap and sometimes that's his longest nap of the day, so yes, this probably has something to do with it. But last night I realized that something else is happening.

Last night as he was laying in bed, at around 4:30am he finally made those noises that I know are only associated with one thing...

so, it goes something like this... grunt, grunt... GRUNT, GGGGRRRRUUUNNNNTTTTT, and then complete silence. Then the smell...

I look over and realize that he's completely asleep. I pick him up, put him on the changing table, change the diaper (wipe him down and all), still completely asleep. I put him back in the bed and he sleeps until 7:45am.

Is my kid a total BOY or what????

Love all, Melissa & the "pooper"


Bryce said...

Hi Mel and Hai!
Yes, it's too true - I think that's why it takes longer to potty train some boys: they just don't mind a dirty diaper at all! It's certainly true of Bryce... whereas several moms with girls (the same age) have told me their girls are already coming to them and saying "poo poo!" in distaste.

Oh dear, welcome to the dark side: poop discussions....

- Susan

Anonymous said...

How true! It takes the old saying "just need a nap and crap and I'll be good as new" to a whole new level.
Just the simple things in life!

Christopher said...

Nothing starts the day like a good...............