Thursday, July 24, 2008

Hai has hives (say that 5 times fast!!)

It's a medical mystery...

For the last week or so, Hai has had a virus. It started with a "normal", yucky, stomach thing... and now it's gone to a break out of hives on his hands and feet every morning. it's only in the morning, and only on his hands and feet. Yes, I washed all the bedding (and in fact, I'm moving out the mattress we put in a week or so ago to see if that helps). And yes, it's getting better day by day... but it is certainly weird.

My theory is it's something in the bed, carpet, or something. The cleaning lady is coming today and will use my HEPA filtered vacuum on the whole place... Hopefully Hai's hives will go away soon and that tongue-twister will be a thing of the past!

Love all,

Melissa & Hai

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