Monday, May 12, 2008

Mom's the Bomb

Hai and I celebrated our first Mother's Day together this weekend. It was great, we spent Saturday just hanging out in the house and playing and then went to downtown Mountain View and had Chinese food at the "Hong Kong Bistro" - a great new place that has food not to different from what we could get in HK. Hai got 2 new books for mother's day, including one that is called "sounds around the house" and actually includes a burp and a fart (blamed on the dog). It's hilarious and he thinks it's really funny. I'll probably regret getting it for him someday...

Yesterday we went for fancy brunch at the Four Seasons hotel in Palo Alto. They did a great job and it was lovely. Even Hai had fun as they had good food and he got to run around saying "hello" to everyone (one of his new words).

Hai's other new word is "Bom", which is actually "mom". So, hey, it's my first mother's day and "mom's the bomb"!!

Love all,



Anonymous said...

Sounds like your first Mother's Day was the Bomb!! Mom!

Barb :)

Anonymous said...

Congratulations Mel. You are a top mum. Much love to you both, Zizi